“Talents are best nurtured in solitude,
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
but character is best formed in the stormy billows of the world.”
The coronavirus pandemic and the resulting lockdown has created for many of us an opportunity to break out of the usual busyness of every day life so we may pause to notice, reflect and appreciate the world around us.
Don’t pass up the chance for solitude to nurture desires to develop skills, languages and hobbies, or to even dream once more.
And beyond looking inside and developing oneself, the current crisis also affords us lots of occasions to step up and grow to become a positive influence to others.
Indeed, stormy seas separate great captains from mediocre ones.
Moments like these test our patience, our resolve, our skills… and if we step up, we have nothing to lose but everything to gain — we either win & grow or learn & grow.
So why waste a crisis?