Winnipeg Pinoy (WinPinoy) offers a different perspective about our life as immigrants. As explained in the post about Winnipeg Pinoy Reboot, we all left the Philippines for a better life.
If better is what we’re after, a brand new start entails leaving behind the part of us that is not serving us well, and retaining that which contributes to the attainment of that vision we are aspiring for. The challenge is — it is not always clear which is which, and it is often not easy to part with the useless and do what is useful.
The challenge is —
it is not always clear which is which,
and it is often not easy to part with the useless
and do what is useful.
Information and making decisions
In today’s world of too much information, many feels overwhelmed. People basically have three options to deal with overwhelm:
- hide head under the sand and hope the feeling/issues will just go away;
- rely on shortcuts dictated by cultural norms, personal biases and/or demagogues; or
- attempt to sort facts and reliable data from propaganda, gossip and fake news.
In making big and small decisions, the first two options are the most convenient choices for people who merely go along for the ride because they are either sleepwalking through life (option #1) or just wanna follow the herd (option #2).
We believe that if your true desire is to get ahead in life at aasenso na totoo, the only option for you is #3. And because it is not easy to do, it follows that is not a popular choice to make.
Are you willing to be different?
This Winnipeg Pinoy project is an attempt to share our experiences of what worked and what didn’t in our own lives when choosing asenso na totoo. Much of what needs to be said are difficult to hear, inconvenient to do, and embarrassing to accept.
Much of what needs to be said are difficult to hear,
inconvenient to do,
and embarrassing to accept.
We share because we aspire to be better. We feel that there is a need to reach out to like-minded people who are also aspiring for more.
Because when doubt creeps in and the temptation to give up and settle are strongest, humans tend to hang on knowing that we are not alone.
There are those like us who are also struggling as well as those who’ve came out of a similar struggle triumphant.
This is our inspiration for writing, it is Winnipeg Pinoy’s new why.
We invite you to join us and be willing to be different. Together we can make each others’ struggles more bearable and our journey towards a better life gratifying.
We can Win this Pinoys! Let’s do it.
Who are we? Know more about us here.