Every contribution counts. In their own little ways, Filipinos in Winnipeg move to help those affected by Typhoon Yolanda in Central Philippines. While the whole world poured in support for the relief efforts of the victims of the biggest typhoon of the year, Pinoys in Winnipeg are no different.
Many Winnipegers donated cash and in kind via institutional channels like churches and various formal organizations. Others organized their own collection of canned goods, clothes, etc. among friends, neighbors and acquaintances.
One informal group in Winnipeg’s North West neighborhood is gathering relief items to be forwarded to the Philippine National Red Cross through LBC (with their own program of sending such items free of charge) starting today (Sunday) 3pm until tomorrow (Monday) 9pm. The designated drop off point is at 23-478 Mandalay Drive. Pan de sal and coffee will be served to those coming today at 3pm onwards.
Those interested in contributing to this effort may call 204-421-2199 for information and coordination. Boxes will be forward to LBC on Tuesday, November 19, 2013.
Let us show our kababayans that, though we’re half way around the globe, they are in our minds and hearts during this difficult and painful times.